Support by Guymast Inc.

Guymast Inc. is committed to providing the highest quality support to our clients.
Support requests fall into 2 categories: computer-related, and data-related.

Guymast Inc. provides thorough user manuals with the software, and these are very good at guiding the user through the analysis process by describing the basic model, modeling options, input requirements, and output features.
New users often have as many questions about the tower design and the analysis process as they do about using Guymast software; such users are very well served by attending our workshops.
Shortly Guymast Inc. will be providing an online Frequently Asked Questions section that should be a good resource for our clients.

Current Guymast clients may get support by telephone, through the Customer Support page, or by emailing with the following information:

    • a meaningful subject line
      i.e. "MAST error message"
    • your name
    • your company name
    • your phone number
    • your email address
    • the name and set number on the port device used to run the software
    • the program with which you are having trouble
    • the error messages displayed by the program
    • a clear description of what you were trying to do when the error occurred, and what the program did after the error
Traditional four-legged self-supporting tower. Guyed tower viewed from an anchor. Heavily loaded monopole